Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Barbara McDermott Runs for Philly Court of Common Pleas

Barbara McDermott is running for Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas. Her campaign website is: She also has a YouTube channel with some short introductory videos.

According to her bio:

On May 17, 2011, the citizens of Philadelphia will have the opportunity to elect Barbara McDermott as a Democratic Candidate to the Court of Common Pleas. For twenty-seven years Barbara has worked tirelessly for the people of Philadelphia, first as an Assistant District Attorney and then as an attorney defending the poor. Barbara has championed the rights of all citizens of Philadelphia, and now, after having tried thousands of cases from all sides, is ready to put her experience to work for you resolving tough issues as a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.

Phildelphia voters are encouraged to investigate further.

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