Thursday, January 14, 2010

Duquesne Adopts Lost or Stolen Gun Ordinance

From the inbox:

Last night, Duquesne City Council passed an ordinance requiring that lost or stolen firearms be reported missing to the police upon discovery of their absence. Duquesne Council voted 4-0 in favor of the reform. Duquesne joins 23 other cities and towns across the Commonwealth that have taken action to require lost or stolen handgun reporting.

In accordance with the new law, Duquesne gun owners will have 24 hours to report a lost or stolen firearm missing to the police, from the time the loss or theft is discovered. Penalties for a first violation may include a fine of up to $500 and mandatory participation in an educational program on handgun safety. Penalties for second and subsequent violations include fines up to $1000 and/or up to 30 days imprisonment.

For a list of the other cities or to read more on "lost or stolen" firearms legislation, see

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