Thursday, March 01, 2007

News and Updates

A few items for your information or entertainment:

Someone left a comment saying they couldn't find an email address for me and I replied that it is on my blogger profile. Then someone who does have my email corrected me that it is not. Somewhere along the line it got deleted. Now it's back but to avoid that problem in the future I've put a mailto link on the sidebar. Apologies to anyone who has been trying to get in touch.

IssuesPA has a study showing that the legislators and the general public do not have the same public policy priorities. Read the details on the website.

Dan Rubin, of the Inky's Blinq blog, has published his first metro column. Read Dan's thoughts on the switch on Blinq (which has a link to the column).

Today state Rep. Rick Taylor (D-151) kicked off a mobile office program. According to his press release:

The mobile office program, which will travel each week to a different
township or borough locale, will provide all of the assistance offered at Taylor's constituent service office located at 701 Horsham Road in Horsham. Those services include Property Tax/Rent Rebate forms, specialty and handicap license plates, PennDOT registration issues and driver's license applications.

1 comment:

  1. I think Blogger must have just changed that -- I used to get email to the address I had registered from them. Strange to have it vanish, but better than their forcing the gmail account name into view...
