Thursday, March 01, 2007

Iraq Bills Update

Last month I wrote a post comparing and contrasting two house bills that propose to redeploy American troops in Iraq. One, HR 787 is co-sponsored by Rep. Patrick Murphy from Pennsylvania's 8th district; the other is HR 960, sponsored by Rep. Joe Sestak, from Pennsylvania's 7th district. From time to time I've checked on Thomas ( to see how these bills are progressing.

Both have picked up additional cosponsors. HR 960 has 5 cosponsors now, up from 3. In addition to Rep. Bob Brady another Pennsylvania rep and mayoral candidate, Chaka Fattah, has signed on. HR 787 has been slowly and steadily adding supporters. It now has 30 co-sponsors, up from 21. Chaka Fattah has signed on to this one also, as has Mike Doyle, bringing the number of PA cosponsors, in addition to Murphy, up to 5. Both are still in committee.

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