Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pennsylvania Congressional Representatives Committee Assignments

Just because I like doing this sort of thing and there may be one or two people out there who want to have the information organized this way, I have checked to see what committees Pennsylvania congressional representatives are on. First is a list of reps and their committees, then a list of committees with Pennsylvania reps on them and any subcommittees those reps might be on.

Please note that there are still a few vacancies out there that PA folks might be asked to fill. Also note that there are no Pennsylvanians on the Foreign Affairs (2 vacancies), Judiciary (1 vacancy), or Rules committees. The House Intelligence Committee’s website does not list members as yet but I found a list of Democratic members on the web generally. There is no information on Republican members or subcommittee membership.

There are three joint committees and no House membership is listed for them for this congress either. However, Sen. Robert Casey, Jr. is on the Joint Economic Committee. In the 109th Congress (last year), Rep. Fattah and Sen. Santorum served on the Joint Committee on Printing. There are 5 House members on the Joint Committee for Taxation, taken from the Ways & Means Committee; two Pennsylvanians, Phil English and Allyson Schwartz serve on Ways & Means and could be chosen.

I will check back and see if the list needs to be updated later. If you want more information look at the House website (www.house.gov), which will provide links to individual congressional representatives as well as House committees.

One thing I can’t help but point out is that among the House Administration Committee’s duties is overseeing the National Zoo. No wonder Rep. Bob Brady can manage the Philadelphia Democratic Party; he’s had practice with that sort of thing [joke]. It might also explain his interest in bringing elephants back to the Philadelphia Zoo.

This list was compiled over time. I made every effort to be accurate and apologize in advance for any errors.

Pennsylvania Congressional Representatives
Bob Brady (D-01) – Armed Services, House Administration
Chaka Fattah (D-02) -- Appropriations
Phil English (R-03) – Ways & Means
Jason Altmire (D-04) – Education & Labor, Small Business, Transportation & Infrastructure
John Peterson (R-05) -- Appropriations
Jim Gerlach (R-06) – Financial Services, Transportation & Infrastructure
Joe Sestak (D-07) – Armed Services, Education & Labor, Small Business
Patrick Murphy (D-08) – Armed Services, Intelligence
Bill Shuster (R-09) – Natural Resources, Small Business, Transportation & Infrastructure
Chris Carney (D-10) – Homeland Security, Transportation & Infrastructure
Paul Kanjorski (D-11) – Financial Services, Oversight & Government Reform, Science & Technology
John Murtha (D-12) -- Appropriations
Allyson Schwartz (D-13) – Budget, Ways & Means
Mike Doyle (D-14) – Energy & Commerce, Standards on Official Conduct, Veterans Affairs
Charlie Dent (R-15) – Homeland Security, Transportation & Infrastructure
Joe Pitts (R-16) – Energy & Commerce
Tim Holden (D-17) – Agriculture, Transportation & Infrastructure
Tim Murphy (R-18) – Energy & Commerce
Todd Platts (R-19) – Education & Labor, Oversight & Government Reform, Transportation & Infrastructure

House Committees and Subcommittees with PA Representation
Agriculture – Tim Holden (vice chair)
Conservation Credit Energy & Resources – Holden (chair)
Livestock, Dairy & Poultry – Holden

Appropriations – John Murtha, Chaka Fattah, John Peterson
Commerce, Justice, Science & Related Industries – Fattah
Defense – Murtha (chair)
Energy & Water Development – Fattah
Homeland Security – Fattah Peterson
Interior, Environment & Related Agencies – Peterson
Labor, Health & Human Services, Education & Related Agencies – Peterson

Armed Services – Bob Brady, Patrick Murphy, Joe Sestak
Readiness – Brady
Seapower & Expeditionary Forces – Sestak
Air & Land Forces – Brady, Sestak
Oversight & Investigations – Sestak
Military Personnel – Patrick Murphy

Budget – Allyson Schwartz

Education & Labor – Joe Sestak, Jason Altmire, Todd Platts
Early Childhood, Elementary & Secondary – Sestak, Platts
Healthy Families and Communities – Altmire, Platts (ranking member)
Higher Education, Lifelong Learning & Competitiveness – Altmire
Health, Employment, Labor & Pensions – Sestak

Energy & Commerce – Mike Doyle, Tim Murphy, Joseph Pitts
Telecommunications & the Internet – Doyle (chair)
Energy & Air Quality – Doyle
Health – Pitts, Tim Murphy
Trade & Consumer Protection – Pitts
Environment & Hazardous Waste – Pitts, Tim Murphy
Oversight & Investigations – Doyle, Tim Murphy

Financial Services – Paul Kanjorski, Jim Gerlach
Capital Markets, Insurance, & Government Sponsored Enterprises – Kanjorski (chair), Gerlach
Financial Institutions & Consumer Credit – Kanjorski
Domestic & International Monetary Policy, Trade & Technology – Kanjorski

Homeland Security – Chris Carney, Charlie Dent
Management, Investigations & Oversight – Carney (chair)
Intelligence, Information Sharing and Terrorism Risk Assessment – Carney, Dent
Emergency Communications Preparedness & Response -- Dent

House Administration – Bob Brady

Natural Resources – Bill Shuster
Energy & Mineral Resources – Shuster

Oversight & Government Reform – Paul Kanjorski, Todd Platts
Government Management Organizations & Procurement – Kanjorski, Platts
National Security & Foreign Affairs – Platts

Science & Technology – Paul Kanjorski
Energy & Environment News – Kanjorski

Small Business – Jason Altmire, Joe Sestak, Bill Shuster
Finance & Tax – Sestak, Shuster
Contracting & Technology – Sestak
Regulations, Healthcare & Trade – Altmire, Sestak, Shuster (ranking member)
Investigations & Oversight – Altmire (chair)

Standards of Official Conduct – Mike Doyle

Transportation & Infrastructure – Tim Holden, Jason Altmire, Chris Carney, Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Todd Platts, Bill Shuster
Aviation – Holden, Gerlach, Dent
Economic Development, Public Buildings & Emergency Management – Altmire, Carney, Shuster, Dent
Highways & Transportation – Holden, Altmire, Carney, Dent, Gerlach, Platts
Railroads, Pipelines & Hazardous Materials – Shuster (ranking member), Platts, Gerlach
Water Resources & Environment – Platts, Shuster

Veterans Affairs – Mike Doyle
Health – Doyle

Ways & Means – Allyson Schwartz, Phil English
Health – English
Social Security – Schwartz
Income Security & Family Support – English
Select Revenue Measures – Schwartz, English

House Select Committee on Intelligence – Patrick Murphy (list of GOP members and subcommittee memberships not currently available)


  1. Geez, with all the congresscritters we've got on Transportation and Infrastructure, I wouldn't think we'd need to sell/lease the Turnpike!

  2. PD,

    I noticed that committee was very blessed with Pennsylvanians, too, moreso than any other. You do think that would help us out with highway funding, etc. wouldn't you?

  3. One of Pennsylvania's nicknames is the Quaker State; in colonial times, it was known officially as the Quaker Province, in recognition of Quaker William Penn's First Frame of Government constitution for Pennsylvania that guaranteed liberty of conscience. Penn knew of the hostility Quakers faced when they opposed rituals, oaths, violence, and ostentatious frippery. sportsbook Pennsylvania has also been known as the Keystone State since 1802, based in part upon its central location among the original Thirteen Colonies forming the United States. It was also a keystone state economically, having both the industry common to the North, making such wares as Conestoga wagons and rifles, and the agriculture common to the South, producing feed, fiber, food, and tobacco. http://www.enterbet.com
