Friday, September 08, 2006

National Journal House Race Ranking Update

The National Journal has updated its House Race Rankings.

Of the four Pennsylvania congressional races in the top listing,

PA-06 stays at #3. "Lois Murphy has run one of the strongest campaigns of any Democratic challenger so far." (She is running against incumbent Republican Jim Gerlach.

PA-08 moves up from #15 to #14. Democrat Patrick Murphy is challenging incumbent Republican Mike Fitzpatrick. “Most of the Dems' Iraq war vet candidates have lost or underachieved, but Murphy's the real deal.”

PA-07 stays at #16. Democract Joe Sestak is challenging incumbent Republican Curt Weldon.

PA-10 moves up from #25 to #21. Democrat Chris Carney is challenging incumbent Republican Don Sherwood. "polls suggest Carney is within striking distance."

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