Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Personal Opinion

I've read in a variety of places this week about a call for Rumsfeld's resignation being attached to a defense spending bill. I don't like this kind of political stunt. I don't like it when Republicans do it. I don't like it when anybody else does it. Stop it, eveybody, just stop it.

While I'm expressing my views, let me add a smack to the RNC. They've added me to an email list. No idea why, someone didn't do their homework, that's for sure. Most of what is sent around is trash talk. About half of the messages start out with the phrase "not for attribution." Seems kind of slimy to me.

Okay, venting accomplished. We now return to our regularly scheduled channel.

1 comment:

  1. Please forward the RNC stuff to me if you still get'em. I'd love to read what they're sending out.
