Thursday, September 07, 2006

Blog Round Up

Daddy Democrat had an interesting exchange with Rep. Tom Gannon, who is hoping to defeat Democratic challenger Bryan Lentz. Gannon might want to try some different tactics.

The Penn Dems, the University of Pennsylvania Young Democrats organization, invited Patrick Murphy to their first meeting of the year. In a post on mydd a Penn Dem writes:

One of the great things that Patrick does - which most politicians show a strange inability to do - is to not stick to the same stump speech and to make it more personal.

I have been impressed with this as well.


  1. I passed on your Lentz interview to Hannah Miller, who is working for Rick Taylor. Rick is running for PA State House 151, which is where Bryan Lentz went to high school. I thought that was an interesting connection.

    Perhaps you could inquire about a Taylor interview?

  2. Lutton,

    great minds think alike! I ran an interview with Taylor earlier this summer:
