Sunday, April 26, 2009

Younge Women

Judge John Younge, candidate for Pennsylvania Superior Court, has been endorsed by the Pennsylvania NOW,
citing a judicial philosophy and record that will benefit all residents of the Commonwealth – women in particular.

These endorsements don't always get a lot of press, but Women's Voices. Women's Vote points out one reason why this one in particular might be of importance:
Now, recently released statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau further explain why unmarried women are the decisive demographic in this country and the cutting-edge of the Rising American Electorate. Unmarried women are the largest fastest growing demographic group. At a time when voter participation slightly declined among all adult Americans, unmarried women registered and voted in significantly greater numbers than ever before. In fact, unmarried women's growing participation was essential to the increase in voting by young people, non-whites, African-Americans and Hispanics. They are the consistent outperformers of the 2008 turnout.

I've met Judge Younge a few times and been very impressed with him and with his staff. He is rated "recommended" by the Pennsylvania Bar Association. His interview with them is on the pabar website (17 page pdf).

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