Friday, April 24, 2009

Stimulus Funding in PA

From the inbox:


Working Families:

* Making Work Pay: The President’s tax-cut – which covers more Americans than any in history – is putting more than $2.5 billion back in the pockets of more than 4.8 million hard-working Pennsylvania families.

* $60,146,767 to support child care for working families.


* $102,508,400 in block grants to foster energy efficiency in building, transportation, and a wide range of other improvements.

* $252,793,062 to support the weatherization of homes, including adding more insulation, sealing leaks and modernizing heating and air conditioning equipment.

* $99,684,000 to the State Energy Program, available for rebates to consumers for energy saving improvements; development of renewable energy projects; promotion of Energy Star products; efficiency upgrades for state and local government buildings; and other innovative state efforts to help save families money on their energy bills.


· 2,943,894,440 dollars potentially available to Pennsylvania to lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save thousands of teaching jobs at risk due to state and local budget cuts.

Health Care:

* $6,716,568 to fund 6 new Community Health Centers, which will serve an estimated 39,930patients and create a projected 295 jobs.

* $9,448,774 to expand services at 36 existing Community Health Centers, which will expand service to an additional 59,603 patients and create or save a projected 180 jobs.

* $4,485,834 to provide meals to low-income seniors.

* $680,278,921 made available in Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) to protect health care for the families hit hard by the economic crisis and some of the nation’s most vulnerable citizens.

* $8,159,088 in vaccines and grants to ensure more underserved Americans receive the vaccines they need.


* $1,026,429,012 in highway funds to help build and repair roads and bridges.

* $343,703,209 to repair and build public transportation infrastructure.

Law Enforcement:

* More than $72.3 million for state and local law enforcement assistance available through the Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program. The JAG Program supports a variety of efforts such as hiring and support for law enforcement officers; multijurisdictional drug and gang task forces; crime prevention and domestic violence programs; and courts, corrections, treatment, and justice information sharing initiatives.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad there has been some results coming from the economic stimulus package. I really think the people need it right now, as long as dependency doesn't become a problem.
