Friday, April 17, 2009

The Inky Pays Santorum What???

From Clout:

Former U. S. Sen. Rick Santorum is collecting $1,750 a shot for the columns that appear every other week in the Inquirer, according to documents filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court. The checks are sent to a post office box in Great Falls, Va. - close to a Starbucks, we figure.

Figuring two columns a month that's $3,500, or $42,000 a year. According to the census bureau, the average household income in Pennsylvania in 2007 was $48,562.

I'm an avid Inquirer reader but I do so for news, not opinion. That's what blogs are for. I've never read Santorum's column, not a one, not ever. The idea that what Santorum is paid for 24 columns per year is probably more than what a fledgling reporter makes is mind boggling. Drop the column and rehire a laid off copy editor or reporter. Remember the fuss the Inky made about the reversal in government policy based on their news stories? (see "EPA will cancel Performance Track," by John Shiffman 3/14) What did the people who wrote those stories make?

Santorum wrote a book. If people want to know what he thinks, they can read that. No wonder the paper is bankrupt.


  1. He's way over paid. Thank you for letting us know.

  2. You're welcome. It's also been picked up in Politico and some other places.
