Friday, April 17, 2009

Another Reason Why I Love SEPTA

Most days I take public transit to work. It's a chance to read, rest, gather my thoughts or unwind after the day. On lucky days I run into train buddies and we chat. Every now and then, though, there's a reason to drive. Today was a driving day. Took 50 minutes, door to door, to get to work, not bad for early rush hour. So, driving home in the middle of the afternoon should have been a breeze, yes? No. Two solid hours. There was no construction, no visible accidents, just sit, zip a mile or two, sit, and so on. There was a slow down on every road I took. Looking ahead to the standard carefully choreographed weekend, kid thing, kid thing, hopefully a political event, kid thing, kid thing, work thing, kid thing, I can sense the dominoes shifting and fear a scheduling catastrophe.

To all those who complain about the little things on SEPTA, the color or condition of the seat cushions, the occasional dripping roof leak, the not so occasional standing room only cars, I say ppffttttt. Give me a train over the highway any day.

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