''If I ever did anything all over again before I would choose to run for Congress, I would work as a volunteer on someone's campaign,'' Kats said. ''You really don't know.''
This is great advice. For those wishing to follow it there are two upcoming options.
The first is open to everyone. Campaigns & Elections is hosting Winning: Your Crash Course in Campaigning on September 12th in Washington.
The second is for
* Citizen activist track. For people interested in citizen lobbying, issue advocacy, and community organizing, this track provides skills in how to win on issues.
* Campaign track. This track focuses on how to be an effective staff or volunteer member of a winning progressive campaign.
* Candidate track. This is for people who have made the decision to run for office.
There are a number of opportunities in the area and a few hours away by train. These are just two that I know of happening in the near future. Volunteering on a campaign is another good way to see how the process works.
Camp Wellstone is open to all participants, not just Democrats. Wellstone Action, the sponsoring organization, is a non-partisan organization.
ReplyDeleteMy apologies and thank you for the correction. I will update the original entry and post a new one with the correction.