Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Let's Put Shapiro on the Short List

The title isn't a crack about Deputy Speaker Josh Shapiro's height, it's a reference to a list that many many people are compiling and updating. State Rep. William DeWeese is under some (read: considerable) pressure to step down as the House Democratic Leader. (Full disclosure: I think it is past time for him to find another outlet for his talents. He might enjoy teaching or writing a few books, something he could probably do while staying in the legislature, but not while serving as Leader.)

So, should there be an opening in the party leadership, there will need to be a short list for people to pick from. We need a reformer with integrity and a spotless reputation. I've always liked State Rep. Greg Vitali but am not sure of his skills at compromising, which is a definite "must have" for the job. There are other names that should be on the list as well.

Something in last Sunday's Inky jumped out at me. In the editorial, "Harrisburg's Slush Fund: A Little Something for a Rainy Day," on the legislative slush funds (the Inky's words not mine). Shapiro is quoted as saying:
"We could have done more to help mental health/mental retardation services, more for public education," said Deputy Speaker Josh Shapiro (D., Montgomery). "We could have done something to reduce the cost of health insurance."

Those are priorities in correct order. And I'm probably not the only person who has him on their wish list.

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