Yesterday I was able to sit in on a media conference call with Sen. Bob Casey, Jr. in response to a new television ad from Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign. The Obama campaign hosted the call with Senator Bob Casey to respond to Senator McCain’s latest round of false, negative advertisements in which Senator McCain makes the widely debunked claim that Barack Obama is responsible for rising gas prices. While Senator McCain has consistently failed to address the energy crisis during his decades in Washington, Senator Obama has offered a strong agenda to end our dependence on foreign oil and provide real relief to consumers.
The McCain ad can be viewed here.
Dan Lisenko? Of Obama
Casey and Heather Zikel?, Obama’s Energy Advisor
A number of newspaper rebuttals to the ad (from Congressional Quarterly and the New York Times, among other), using words like “misleading” were read.
Casey: I’m glad you read some of those adjectives. This ad is not only misleading but has gross misstatements of fact. A word you didn’t hear is pathetic, McCain should ask for his money back from media company. Ridiculous to blame Obama. This is the kind of desperation you usually don’t see until late October and things are going badly. How can someone who has been in Washington for over 20 years blame Obama for gas prices? Obama has a plan. 2nd round of stimulus, money to jumpstart renewable energy technology, reduce consumption, increase natural gas production and a long list of others. His strategy makes sense for America. McCain’s energy plan is the same tired policy of George Bush and now we’re facing the kind of economic trauma people haven’t seen in a generation. I don’t think people are going to vote for that kind of vote for the same policy. What he’s left with is a fear and smear campaign. This ad in particular was particularly pathetic.
Q: Obama in the Middle East. You were there a year ago. What advice would you give him?
BC: I’m don’t propose to give him advice. I think it is right for him and the country for him to focus as he has on a number of priorities. Challenge of Afghanistan, a forgotten struggle. As president he will devote the time and resources needed there. Important that he spend time literally on the ground in these areas and focus on the challenge in these areas.
Q: Also in Iraq. Can you speak about your request for a review of the electrical work? [referencing soldiers who have been electrocuted because of faulty wiring in base showers, etc.]
BC: Awaiting a response from Sec. Gates. Having a meeting with KBR. Gates must give families closure and peace of mind. Many families concerned with what is happening right now if problems fixed. DoD has to prove that problems is fixed.
Q: You called this ad not effective but you are spending time reacting to it? Worried about constituents duped?
BC: Too bad we have to spend time on something this pathetic. I don’t think very many people are going to accept that $4 price at pump is the fault of one senator. But we all know if you say something long enough and loud enough so you have to be able to rebut it. One of the challenges of the Obama campaign and his supporters is getting his ideas out. Create green collar jobs, PA has been debating some of these issues for a while but you have to rebut.
Heather Z: Wants Pennsylvanians to have all the facts. Obama green jobs, 2nd stimulus, crack down on oil spectators, use it or lose it, $150 billion plan to invest in renewables. McCain has not offered real leadership on energy policy.
Q: renewable energy, Al Gore’s call to really dive into that.
BC: Just speaking for myself, one of the many examples of how Gore has shows great leadership on this. When I was campaigning he was very supportive of my energy ideas. What Obama has been talking about is along the same path.
Heather Z: Gore’s ideas are exactly what an Obama administration would pursue.
Q: You’ve opposed more drilling in the past but there has been a softening in the recent weeks. Are you ruling out new drilling?
BC: I think if the Rep Party is going to insist on kind of drilling approach they have been talking about I won’t support it. Americans consume 25% of the world’s oil and have 3% of the world’s reserves. We cannot drill our way out. They’re trying to mislead people. Oil companies only drilling in 20% of the leases they have. Need to do more before they ask for help.
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