Okay, here we go again. First off, you can browse these reports yourself at www.fec.gov. As always I apologize in advance for any errors or misinterpretations. I am neither a lawyer nor an accountant, just an interested observer and these thoughts should be taken as such.
This quarter covers April – June of 2008. [Update: Drat! Forgot to say that where there are two numbers the first is for this quarter and the second is for the election cycle as a whole.]
Itemized donations are those that accumulate to over $200. Unitemized donations are from people like me, who make smaller donations. Itemized donations show the donor’s name occupation, employer, and the amount of the donation plus the total the person has donated in this election cycle. Unitemized donations are just recorded as a number.
Keep your eye on individual donations vs. PAC’s
At this point in the campaign counting the number of maxed out donors is tricky. Individuals can donate up to $2300 per election. The primary and the general count as two elections so before the primary an individual can donate up to $4600, but after the primary only $2300. Are you still with me? Okay, so if someone donated $1000 on 4/21, before the primary, and $2300 on 4/23 they are maxed out because you can’t donate retroactively and they have donated the maximum amount for the general. But if someone donated $2300 on 4/21 and $1000 on 4/23 they can still donate another $1300. Does that make sense? If it does you are probably someone who files FEC reports or represents people who do.
Some candidates, such as Allyson Schwartz and Patrick Murphy, leave their reports in alphabetical order. That makes it easy to see who donated what when. Others, most of the other candidates listed here, scramble their reports so the names are not in alphabetical order and that makes it darn difficult to keep track of them. Transparency, folks, a little more transparency please. Yes, this thwarts your opponent but it thwarts your constituents too.
A few oddities. How much is a Sierra Club endorsement worth? According to Joe Sestak’s campaign it has it listed with an in-kind value of $4K; Allyson Schwartz lists it for $10. But maybe they were counting it differently.
6th Congressional District
Jim Gerlach, Republican incumbent
Individual, unitemized: 13,342.00
Individual, total: 155,198.00 / 879,982.05
Political Party committees: 0.00 / 1,662.82
PACs: 187,950.00 / 938,170.97
Total: 343,148.00 / 1,819,815.84
Transfers: 7,019.50 / 41,298.41
Refunds: 1,118.67 / 5,803.97
Other Receipts: 4,420.60 / 19,171.69
Total Receipts: 355,706.77 / 1,886,089.91
Operating Expenditures: 286,725.45 / 1,201,366.93
Refunds: 0.00 / 4,850.00
Other: 21,950.00 / 24,300.00
Total: 308,675.45 / 1,230,516.93
Beginning Cash on hand: 714,579.79
Contributions: 355,706.77 / 1,886,089.91
Disbursements: 308,675.45 / 1,230,516.93
Ending cash on hand: 761,611.11
Personal Observations: Few out of state individual contributions. Twelve newly maxed out donors. Several donations from people work at Bentley Systems (before being elected to the state senate Rob Wonderling worked at Bentley). In PACs, a lot of money from medical, construction, and banking organizations; also over $7K from funeral directors PAC. Four paid staff in addition to a bookkeeper. One printer in Tennessee (others in PA), DC webhost, NJ media firm (total of around $60K), DC fundraiser, TX direct mail, VA polling firm, postage costs paid to FL firm
Bob Roggio, Democratic challenger
Individual, itemized: 128,421.36
Individual, unitemized: 21,266.06
Individual, total: 149,687.42 / 290,787.41
PACs: 30,300.00 / 33,900.00
Total: 179,987.42 / 324,687.41
Loans: 20,000.00 / 80,500.00
Refunds: 30.32 / 30.32
Total Receipts: 200,017.74 / 405,217.73
Operating Expenditures: 108,330.01 / 145,271.08
Total: 108,330.01 / 145,271.08
Beginning Cash on hand: 168,258.92
Contributions: 200,017.74 / 405,217.73
Disbursements: 108,330.01 / 145,271.08
Ending cash on hand: 259,946.65
Personal Observations: Only 6 out of state donors. 14 newly maxed out donors. 7 paid staff. Loans from the candidate total $80,500. Seven paid employees (1 named Roggio), health insurance payments. DC media consultant $10K; PA media consultant $6K, NC campaign strategy $2500, DC fundraiser $12K. One of my favorite names showed up in the donor list, not someone political but a name that frequently appears here, sometimes weekly. Ten points to anyone who can spot it.
7th Congressional District
Joe Sestak, Incumbent Democrat (elected 2006)
Individual, itemized: 282,959.00
Individual, unitemized: 45,249.49
Individual, total: 328,208.49 / 2,023,068.31
Political Party committees: 146.40 / 2,383.09
PACs: 107,860.00 / 792,086.89
The Candidate: 0.00 / 4,600.00
Total: 436,214.89 / 2,822,138.29
Transfers: 0.00 / 35,154.46
Refunds: 480.83 / 3,452.40
Other Receipts: 19,731.46 / 35,059.56
Total Receipts: 456,427.18 / 2,895,804.71
Operating Expenditures: 128,016.08 / 600,904.79
Refunds: 25.60 / 8,259.76
Total: 128,041.68 / 609,164.55
Beginning Cash on hand: 2,262,730.60
Contributions: 456,427.18 / 2,895,804.71
Disbursements: 128,041.68 / 609,164.55
Ending cash on hand: 2,591,116.10
Personal observations: This report is scrambled so numbers provided may be faulty. In among the usual executives and lawyers there are several academics and people in the public sector. There also a notable number of people who list their employer as retired or none. For people with no job they have a lot to spend on political donations. There is a good percentage of out of state donors, especially in the online donations. Note the contribution from Gail Zappa. I count around 45 newly maxed out contributors. I see a lot of union money in the PAC donations list. Also, an in-kind website endorsement from the Sierra Club valued at $4K. 6 paid staff, 2 named Sestak (note to George: Is Phil the Turtle still around?) Most vendors are local, $3K to PA Democratic Party for a voter file, less than $50 paid to DCCC for fundraising (other small amounts listed as in-kind donations for fundraising). No mention of health insurance. For the amount of money he raises, Sestak spends very little on fundraising, other than the salaries of his campaign workers.
Craig Williams, Republican
Individual, itemized: 227,054.34
Individual, unitemized: 16,698.81
Individual, total: 243,753.15 / 363,215.89
Political Party committees: 5,000.00 / 6,250.00
PACs: 31,400.00 / 44,250.00
Total: 318.82 / 1,379.82
Total Receipts: 280,471.97 / 415,095.71
Operating Expenditures: 52,988.13 / 54,972.48
Total: 52,988.13 / 54,972.48
Beginning Cash on hand: 132,639.39
Contributions: 280,471.97 / 415,095.71
Disbursements: 52,988.13 / 54,972.48
Ending cash on hand: 360,123.23
Personal observations: I count 40 newly maxed out contributors but there are some oddities. Three people with the same last name and address, two of whom list their occupation as student each donated $2300. Two women homemakers with the same name (including middle initial) but with different street addresses also maxed out. Six people named Hooper maxed out. A homemaker and a student living at the same address both maxed out; another student with the same surname but at another address donated $2000. That must have been some fundraiser at Exelon; I counted around 22 donors who worked at there Very very few out of state donations. Over $30K in debt to assorted vendors. 2 paid staffers, no mention of health insurance.
8th Congressional District
Patrick Murphy, Incumbent Democrat (elected 2006)
Individual, itemized: 473,991.61
Individual, untemized: 46,076.16
Individual, total: 520,067.77 / 1,964,387.72
Political Party committees: 0.00 / 7,095.13
PACs: 195,230.61 / 969,350.94
Total: 715,298.38 / 2,940,833.79
Transfers: 0.00 / 35,620.48
Other Receipts: 22,865.05 / 67,990.27
Total Receipts: 738,163.43 / 3,044,444.54
Operating Expenditures: 157,213.25 / 847,886.77
Refunds: 1,513.81 / 16,490.81
Other: 0.00 / 5,350.00
Total: 158,727.06 / 869,727.58
Beginning Cash on hand: 1,659,350.85
Contributions: 738,163.43 / 3,044,444.54
Disbursements: 158,727.06 / 869,727.58
Ending cash on hand: 2,238,787.22
Personal observations: Eight PMA Group employees donated a total of $7,250. THE Craig of Craig’s List made a donation. 80 newly maxed out contributors. I see a lot of money from people in finance, the law, but balanced by donations from people in the public sector and other occupations including a handyman. There are also a notable number of donors from the literary arts, publishers, editors, grant writers, and so on. Donations from two Obama staff people. Donations from 2 people whose occupational group don’t normally make political donations. Donations from 18 candidate committees from state and federal level, in state and out of state. $12K in-kind donation from Council for a Livable World for mailing, contribution processing or internet communication. A total of $4K from the Johnson and Johnson PAC, $1000 in this quarter, which must annoy his opponent who worked for J&J for many years. I see a fair amount of union money. Seven paid employees, though some were on the staff for a short time. Over $10K to a DC fundraising firm. Murphy bought a number of Palm pilots, presumably for his staff. $2500 to a DC form for precinct targeting. $5K to the Friends of John Cordisco. $2500 to the 145th Democratic Committee. $2750 to Council for a Livable World for a mailing list. Payment for health insurance. Murphy also includes costs of airfare, parking, gas, and office supplies. $1K debt for a copy machine lease.
Tom Manion, Republican
Individual, itemized: 145,184.71
Individual, untemized: 15,016.00
Individual, total: 160,200.71 / 516,019.64
Political Party committees: 5,300.00 / 5,300.00
PACs: 76,250.00 / 143,010.00
Total: 241,750.71 / 664,329.64
Refunds: 14.16 / 14/16
Other Receipts: 433.46 / 474.09
Total Receipts: 242,198.33 / 664,817.89
Operating Expenditures: 153,974.55 / 153,974.55
Total: 153,974.55 / 153,974.55
Beginning Cash on hand: 416,736.56
Contributions: 242,198.33 / 664,817.89
Disbursements: 153,974.55 / 159,857.55
Ending cash on hand: 504,960.34
Personal observations: Most donors are from in state. Nine newly maxed out contributors. Five large donors named Hooper (did not check to see if these were the same Hoopers donating to Craig Williams). It is hard to tell much about where the money came from as there is a relatively high percentage of “Information requested” notes in the occupation and employer fields. Fifteen campaign funds for other campaigns or officials donated. $7,500 came from Every Republican is Crucial (ERIC PAC). Almost 2/3 of the PAC money came in during June. Mr. Manion is burning through a lot of money. He paid a Maryland firm over $8K for bookkeeping. He paid over $12K to a DC group for fundraising consulting. Pathfinder Communications in PA received over $9K for web work, consulting, and printing. Another firm was paid $5K for website development. Another fundraising firm $3K. $4K to a PA business for catering. Over $56K to Paychex. There were only 3 paid employees. Jerry Morgan, Manion’s campaign manager since February, was finally paid. There were two identical checks on 4/30 and another for the same amount on 5/29. There are two other paid staff people (one named Manion).
13th Congressional District
Allyson Schwartz, Incumbent District (elected 2004)
Individual, itemized: 255,425.00
Individual, unitemized: 16,565.00
Individual, total: 271,990.00 / 1,571,341.59
Political Party committees: 506.19 / 998.06
PACs: 218,710.00 / 824,660.00
Total: 491,206.19 / 2,396,999.65
Refunds: 0.00/ / 20,455.88
Other Receipts: 11,065.44 / 38,458.23
Total Receipts: 502,271.63 / 2,455,913.76
Operating Expenditures: 108,442.76 / 607,578.05
Refunds: 0.00 / 7,300.00
Other: 635.00 / 226,450.00
Total: 109,077.76 / 841,328.05
Beginning Cash on hand: 1,872,812.93
Contributions: 502,271.63 / 2,455,913.76
Disbursements: 109,077.76 / 841,328.05
Ending cash on hand: 2,266,006.80
Personal observations: In the individual donors I see a lot of biotech money as well as health care workers, in with the usual lawyers and CEOs. Interesting that there are two big name and some smaller publishers listed, and there is a PAC donation from Reed Elsevir. There are also a notable number of educators, nonprofits and public sector occupations and employers listed. She has a donation from the president of the Philadelphia Eagles AND the Phillies (someone from the NBA, too). What, no love from the hockey people? I count 18 newly maxed out donors. There is a lot of health care and medical money, including doctors and other health care workers, in the PAC list, including a donation from the Johnson & Johnson PAC. She also has a donation from Ebay PAC (that’s not what it’s called but that’s what it is). Think on this next time you are having a donut or bon bon – there is a Bakery, Confectionary and Tobacco Workers PAC . Interesting note, she includes a $10 in kind donation for a website endorsement from the Sierra Club. Payments to 10 ward committees and two individuals for election day services. They are still paying off the car the campaign is buying. The campaign bought a nice camera at Best Buy. This seems like a sensible purchase and may have been the camera I was dodging at a recent event. There are three paid staff. She uses Comcast for cable and Internet. Internet hosting is done by a firm in Delaware. She pays health insurance. A legislative staffer was paid $5K for consulting services. $6k to a DC fundraising consultant, $13K to a California research firm.
Marina Kats, Republican
Individual, itemized: 72,050.00
Individual, untemized: 6,420.00
Individual, total: 78,470.00 / 83,070.00
Political Party committees: 1,000.00 / 1,000.00
PACs: 7,800.00 / 8,800.00
Total: 87,270.00 / 92,870.00
Total Receipts: 87,270.00 / 92,870.00
Operating Expenditures: 42,202.05 / 42,326.05
Total: 42,202.05 / 42,326.05
Beginning Cash on hand: 5,476.00
Contributions: 87,270.00 / 92,870.00
Disbursements: 42,202.05 / 42,326.05
Ending cash on hand: 50,543.95
Personal observations: Eight newly maxed out donors. Six donors from Klehr Harrison, seven from Anapol Schwartz, law firms. Almost all money from in state. No paid staff, but burning through money. Over $13K to a Maryland firm for bookkeeping consulting. Nearly $20K in printing costs to various firms. Over $7K to a firm that has the same address as someone paid for printing costs, for strategic campaign consulting. I’m not sure this is a wise spending plan for someone going up against a well-funded incumbent, and without a lot of money in the bank herself.
15th Congressional District
Charlie Dent, Incumbent Republican
Individual, itemized: 124,650.00
Individual, unitemized: 9,922.00
Individual, total: 134,572.00 / 664,694.44
Political Party committees: 0.00 / 294.00
PACs: 96,567.13 / 496,404.46
Total: 231,139.13 / 1,161,392.90
Transfers: 9,948.81 / 43,982.53
Refunds: 0.00/ 2,857.00
Other Receipts: 2,925.36 / 10,373.98
Total Receipts: 244,013.30 / 1,218,606.41
Operating Expenditures: 172,460.93 / 775,418.90
Refunds: 400.00 / 850.00
Other: 0.00 / 29,675.00
Total: 172,860.93 / 805,943.90
Beginning Cash on hand: 615,534.15
Contributions: 244,013.30 / 1,218,606.41
Disbursements: 172,860.93 / 805,943.90
Ending cash on hand: 686,686.52
Personal observations: There are very few out of state donors. I see PAC money from health care, railroads and the building industry. There is a donation from the Johnson & Johnson PAC. If you are taking Charlie out for dinner, take note that he held a PA fundraiser at Fiesta Ole Mexican Restaurant and a DC one at Tortilla Coast. $35K to Wavelength Communications in Philly for invitations, yard signs and marketing. Over $12K one consultant for what appears to be fundraising, $10K to another, $6575 to a third, $5700 to a fourth. Sometime blogger Julian Stoltz received $1600 in consulting fees. Three paid staff. One unidentified check for insurance. I hope Shawn isn’t doing without health insurance again.
Sam Bennett, Democratic challenger
Individual, itemized: 154,054.18
Individual, unitemized: 18,080.54
Individual, total: 172,134.72 / 383,651.39
PACs: 54,397.50 / 154,107.50
Total: 226,532.22 / 537,758.89
Other Receipts: 0.00 / 1,582.44
Total Receipts: 226,532.22 / 539,341.33
Operating Expenditures: 55,411.93 / 185,551.93
Refunds: 0.00 / 100.00
Other: 100.00 / 410.00
Total: 55,511.93 / 186,061.93
Beginning Cash on hand: 182,754.61
Contributions: 226,532.22 / 539,341.33
Disbursements: 55,511.93 / 186,061.93
Ending cash on hand: 353,774.90
Personal observations: I count 30 newly maxed out donors and contributions from 6 other candidate campaign funds. There are 3 paid staff. Bennett paid around $3K to the state party for a voters’s list, $1500 to a consult, and $9K to Third Coast Research (no idea what that was about).
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