Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tom Ferrick Leaves the Inquirer

On Sunday, February 3rd, Tom Ferrick, Jr., wrote his last column for the Inquirer. I have been a fan of Mr. Ferrick since he began writing his column in 1998 (info taken from Wikipedia). The quality of his writing stayed high to the end. In January he wrote an excellent series on the lack of diversity of the city's unions. There was no announcement as to his plans or whether his relationship with the paper would continue. Mr. J, also a fan, and I wish him well in his future endeavors whatever they may be.


  1. wow, that's news to me! [catching up on my rss reader]

  2. Lehigh Valley blogger Chris Casey left a comment on Keystone Politics saying he has seen Ferrick's name in a byline for the New York Times recently but was not sure if it was a one time thing or a regular gig. The Inky was very low key about it.

    BTW, Tell Lady I said congrats on the degree. And when are you guys going to make it legal?
