Sunday, February 17, 2008

PA in the WSJ

This is a list of articles regarding Pennsylvania in this week's Wall Street Journal. Chances are I missed something, but these are the articles that caught my eye.

It should be noted that I routinely do not read the editorials in the WSJ. So any discussions of the state, its elected officials, businesses, or citizens, in editorials will not be mentioned here.

PA Politicians

Kanjo does the honors this week again. From “Government faces pressures over student loans,” by Robert Tomsho (2/16):
On Friday, U.S. Rep Paul Kanjorski (D, Pa.), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee’s subcommittee on capital markets, sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Education Secretary Margaret Spellings urging them to mount a federal effort to maintain liquidity and stability in the $77 billion student-loan market.

Pennsylvania is mentioned a few times in “Clinton team seeks to calm turmoil,” by Monica Langley and Amy Chozick (2/14). Most are simply including Pennsylvania in a list of upcoming primaries. However, there is also a mention that finance director Jonathan Mantz has been to Philadelphia to meet with Gov. Rendell

PA Businesses

Comcast is in the news a number of times this week. The company is the focus of “Comcast plans $7 billion buyback,” by Dionne Searcey and Vishesh Kumar (2/15) and “Comcast scraps payout plan for founder after criticism,” by Vishesh Kumar and Dionne Searcey (2/14). There is a brief mention in “Cable prepares an answer to FiOS,” by Vishnesh Kumar (2/14) and also in “Net-neutrality debate kicks into high gear,” by Amy Schatz, Dionne Searcey, and Vishesh Kumar (21/3)

Dick’s Diner in Murrysville’s use of special germ killing lamps to sanitize door handles is mentioned in “Restroom décor: germy doorknobs inspire inventors,” by Conor Dougherty (2/15)

Alcoa is mentioned in “Rio Tinto’s earnings illustrate why it’s in play,” by Robert Guy Matthews (2/14) and “BHP investors awaiting long-term rewards,” by Stephen Bell (2/12)

William Lerach, who was raised in Pittsburgh, is the subject of “Closing argument: Mr. Lerach mulls life behind bars,” by Peter Lattman (2/12)

“Toll Brothers’ no-sale is a family matter,” by Michael Corkery (2/11) focuses on the local real estate firm.

Brief notice: Knoll of East Greenville (2/13)
Quaker Steak & Lube of Sharon (2/11)

Other PA

The Inky’s Kevin Ferris pens an editorial called “Philly’s war on the Boy Scouts,” on 2/16.

Philly area businessman and helicopter inventor, Frank Piasecki, is remembered in “Inventor pioneered military helicopters,” by Stephen Miller (2/16).

Other Interesting Tidbits

“Primary sends shivers through capitol moderates,” by Amy Schatz and Brody Mullins (2/14) quotes bloggers Matt Stoller and Markos Moulitsas Zuniga.

Those with an interest (either pro or con) in the proposed “smart meter” aspect of the governor’s energy plan might enjoy reading “In the dark: the monthly utility bill typically reveals little. And that’s a missed opportunity for reducing energy demand,” by Rebecca Smith (2/11)

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