Monday, January 14, 2008

Grant Writing Workshops

In her continuing series of workshops on practical matters, Rep. Allyson Schwartz is sponsoring a some how-to's on grant writing. Small non-profits don't usually have full-time grant writers on hand and depend on volunteers. I've been to one or two workshops like this and wrestled with more than a few grant applications in my day (the most important rule: Follow. The. Instructions.)

These would be well worth the time of anyone interested in the topic.

General description, place and time below, registration and other information available on the congresswoman's website:

Thousands of Philadelphia area nonprofits compete every year for funding in order to support their organization’s programs and services. For many nonprofits, particularly small organizations, grant applications can be a source of much anxiety.

To provide local nonprofits with a better understanding of how to develop a successful grant proposal, Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz is hosting a half-day grant workshop, “The Nuts and Bolts of Developing a Successful Proposal.” Workshops are scheduled for January 23 and January 24 in Horsham and Philadelphia.

The Nuts and Bolts of Developing a Successful Proposal

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Horsham Township Community Center
1025 Horsham Road
Horsham, PA 19044

Thursday, January 24, 2008

8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

CORA Services, Inc.
8540 Verree Road
Philadelphia, PA 19111

NOTE: These are the same workshop, offered in different locations.

The agenda for the workshops includes a comprehensive overview of the basic components of a successful grant proposal, how to tailor a grant proposal to a funding source, what grant reviewers look for in proposals, and an introduction to each local Foundation Center’s resources. Each workshop will include plenty of time for questions. A complimentary continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Workshops are targeted to staff, board members and volunteers of local nonprofits, as well as to those seeking to start up nonprofits. The workshops are a follow up on the highly successful nonprofit workshops hosted by Schwartz in June 2007 that attracted nearly 150 participants.

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