Sunday, January 13, 2008

6th Congressional District Update

John at the Pennsylvania Progressive and Brett from Pennsyltucky Politics have been posting reports from the state Democratic convention.

Among John's reports are that Bob Roggio is tossing his hat in the ring for the Democratic candidacy in the 6th congressional district. Roggio has set up a campaign website,; though it remains skeletal at the moment, with only a biography and an email address.

He also reports that former state senator Bob Rovner is on the verge of running. I note that rovnerforcongress, bobrovnerforcongress, and bobrovner web addresses are all parked. That means something, though I'm not certain what.

While Keystone Politics has reported Mike Leibowitz as a certain candidate I have not been able to locate any potential web addresses for him. In his 2006 primary run he used Good choice, that last name is easily misspelled. However, is being used by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Hmmm, wonder what that means.


  1. Constable Eric Bradway should run for the 6th congressional District

  2. "Constable" Eric Bradway is an idiot.
