Monday, December 03, 2007

Tim Murphy and Beth Hafer Alerts

If you don't like the work being done by Rep. Tim Murphy (R-18) and are going to be in Pittsburgh tomorrow, take note. Scads of people, Penn Action, a US Action partner; Veterans for Peace; the Thomas Merton Center; Code Pink; Pax Christi; Network for Spiritual Progressives; American Friends Service Committee; and the Raging Grannies, will gather in front of the downtown Macy’s under the old Kaufman Clock (400 5th Avenue, Pittsburgh) to announce a Wish List of Better Priorities for 2008.

You can also stop by Beth Hafer's website, and see what she has to say. Hafer is running against Murphy this time around. If you check the events section you'll see she is having a fundraising reception in Philly on Thursday.

If you thought I posted this entry just so I could type the phrase Raging Grannies, you are correct.

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