Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Off Topic: Mailing Care Packages

Again this year I sponsored a project for one of the kid's organizations to send care packages to soldiers overseas. Today is the suggested deadline to mail packages if you want them to arrive before Christmas. So I spent part of the day packing and repacking to make sure everything that could be put into two ziploc bags was, none of the donated reading material was objectionable according to military rules, that everyone had one of everything, and that those packages going to female soldiers had a few extra things. To make the actual mailing easier I picked up the custom forms in advance, but even so, filling out a bunch of them is no fun. Fortunately there was no line at the post office counter and the gentleman on duty was nice about me showing up with 15 or 20 minutes worth of weighing, labeling, stamping and so on. The only people who came in while I was there just slid letters into the slot. My part was relatively easy, not so much on the other end. It's sad that someone's idea of a happy holiday is getting toothpaste and a paperback novel from a stranger.

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