Sunday, December 02, 2007

PA in the WSJ

This is a list of articles regarding Pennsylvania in this week's Wall Street Journal. Chances are I missed something, but these are the articles that caught my eye.

It should be noted that I routinely do not read the editorials in the WSJ. So any discussions of the state, its elected officials, businesses, or citizens, in editorials will not be mentioned here.

It was either a light week or I missed things.

PA Politicians

Our folks managed to stay out of the papers this week.

PA Businesses

Bensalem-based Orleans Homebuilders is mentioned in “Firms step in to help cover relocation costs,” by Alex Frangos (11/27)

CoventryFirst LLC of Ft. Washington is the focus of “An insurance man builds a lively business in death,” by Liam Pleven and Rachel Emma Silverman (11/26)

StarCite, a Philly-based event-planning company, is featured in “HR in a box,” by Simona Covel (11/26)

VoiceVerified of New Hope is one of the examples of companies using word of mouth advertising in “Talk is cheap,” by Suzanne Barlyn (11/26)

Other PA

Mary Kaplowitz, a special education teaching in Kingston, Pa is quoted in “Parents of disabled students push for separate classes,” by Robert Tomsho (11/27)

Carnegie Mellon psychologist Michael Scheier is quoted in “The office pessimists may not be lovable, but are often right,” by Jared Sandberg (11/27)

It what seems to be a weekly occurrence, Mark Zandi of West Chester based Moody’s is quoted in “Fed sees patchwork woes,” by Conor Dougherty (11/29). He is quoted again on “Home or the holidays?” by Ann Zimmerman (11/26)

The Army’s Army Advantage Fund was developed by Penn State MBA Lt. Col. Jeff Sterling, as noted in “Uncle Sam wants you, but ads target Mom, Dad,” by Yochi J. Dreazen (11/29).

Dallas, Pa. native Marine First Lt. Jack Isaac is mentioned in “In counterinsurgency class, soldiers think like Taliban,” by Michael M. Phillips (11/30)

Other Interesting Tidbits

Nothing caught my eye.

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