Friday, November 30, 2007

weekly legislative update

As it turns out the only bill that passed the Pennsylvania House or Senate this week was SB 1 in the Senate, the Open Records Law:

SB 1 By Senators PILEGGI, SCARNATI, MELLOW, ORIE, KASUNIC, MUSTO, RAFFERTY, O'PAKE, TOMLINSON, M. WHITE, ERICKSON, WAUGH, FOLMER, COSTA, EARLL, VANCE, BOSCOLA, CORMAN, WONDERLING, GORDNER, RHOADES, D. WHITE, PIPPY, MADIGAN, ARMSTRONG, BAKER, C. WILLIAMS, BRUBAKER, BROWNE, REGOLA, DINNIMAN and EICHELBERGER. Prior Printer's Nos. 772, 1509, 1553, 1562. Printer's No. 1583. An Act providing for access to public information, for a designated open-records officer in each Commonwealth agency, local agency, judicial agency and legislative agency, for procedure, for appeal of agency determination, for judicial review and for an Open Records Clearinghouse; imposing penalties; providing for reporting by State-related institutions; requiring the posting of certain State contract information on the Internet; and making related repeals.

PICPA, in their weekly update, reports that another bill, SB 390, passed the Senate on 11/27, but it didn't come through on the daily update.

Senate Dems have a new weekly update (with one item on it -- SB01)

House Republicans weigh in.

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