Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Musical Notes

A few items for the musically inclined:

Could be mistaken but I think I saw Anthony Riley, noted area singer, humming a few notes in a train station this week.

While Anthony was away or otherwise occupied his spot at the crossroads was kept warm by the Audible Eye who also plays in assorted city venues. He can sing, play the guitar, and the cymbals of his drum set all at the same time. He can also entertain a variety of audiences. I've seen him keep adults of all ages interested and he is great with kids, keeping a few tambourines and maracas on hand to get the little ones involved (and their parents charmed at the same time).

According to a discarded flyer the Sixth Annual Brian Setzer Orchestra Christmas Extravaganza will be at the Keswick Theatre tomorrow, Nov. 29th, at 7:30. I've seen the orchestra on tv and remember The Stray Cats fondly. This is definitely a show worth seeing. Sorry not to provide more notice.

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