Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Few Legislative Notes

The Pennsylvania State Senate passed SB 1, the Open Records law today. I would explain it to you but it's best to read tomorrow's paper and see what people who actually understand it say.

Also, from the inbox:
In our commonwealth, a vote on The Compassionate Assistance for Rape Emergencies Act, aka The CARE Act or House Bill 288, is on the PA House voting calendar for Monday, December 3. Unfortunately, 19 amendments have been introduced, the vast majority of which do not ensure complete or compassionate care to all victims. Some of the amendments would actually ensure a lesser standard of care than the regulations approved by Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC) on October 17, which standardize emergency care of sexual assault victims in Pennsylvania hospitals.

If you have strong feelings about this, let your rep know before Monday.

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