Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Update on Homeless Veterans Legislation

Last month I reported on legislation proposed by Rep. Patrick Murphy (PA-08) to assist homeless veterans. Two of Murphy's provisions were folded into HR 2874, which has passed the House. According to the press release sent out by his office:

The first provision from Murphy’s bill would make permanent a program to identify service members on active duty who are at risk of becoming homeless. The second provision from Murphy’s bill calls on the Veterans Administration to take steps to make their homeless vets programs more accommodating for an increasing number of female veterans. It is estimated that there are over 3,300 homeless veterans in Pennsylvania and at least 550 in the greater Philadelphia area alone. Over the last three years, as many as 1,300 veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan have participated in homeless outreach programs by the VA or in their own communities.

Let's hope it passes the Senate.

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