Monday, July 30, 2007

Another VA Cemetery Update

It looked for a moment like things were moving along for the proposed veterans cemetery in Bucks County. Unfortunately another road block has appeared. Theresa Katalinas writes in the Bucks County Courier Times ("Commission sends Toll plan to supervisors," 7/26), that Upper Makefield and Toll Brothers still cannot agree on what to do on the Dolington Tract:

The planning commission on Wednesday voted 6-0 to turn Toll’s plans over to the supervisors for further review. The commission and Toll were at odds over the developer’s perceptions of open space allotment and the preservation of agricultural soils.

On the 27th the same paper ran another article by the same reporter ("Time running out for veterans cemetery,") which says:

Getting it done is exactly what Bill Tuerk, VA undersecretary for Memorial Affairs, hopes to do. Except that these days, building a veterans cemetery on farmland in bucolic Upper Makefield is less of a sure bet. After 18 months of discussions, resident opposition, a controversial land rezoning and legal challenges, the VA still has yet to take ownership of the land. Owning the property is the first step to designing a cemetery and having it built, Tuerk has said.

and later:

But Toll has said it would not sell to the VA at the $7 million asking price until the builder received "unappealable" land development approval. Toll has yet to submit housing plans.

I'd like "unappealable" deals, too, but they just don't show up on my doorstep. Let's hope this can get worked out.

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