Friday, February 02, 2007

weekly legislative update

A lot of legislation is moving through committee so eventually some of it will pop out and be voted on. At present, however, the pickings are still very slim. The Pennsylvania State House and Senate passed a number of noncontroverial resolutions, such as the ones naming February African American History Month and Economic Literacy Month, and so on.

The House did pass one significant resolution:

Resolution No. 22 By Representatives DeWEESE, S. H. SMITH and McCALL. Prior Printer's No. 3.Printer's No. 15. A Resolution adopting as temporary rules for the House of Representatives the Rules of the House of Representatives (2005-2006), further providing for fiscal notes, for standing committees and subcommittees, for functions of standing committees, for voting and for financial interests in gaming entities; and making editorial changes.

Our accountant friends at PICPA are back with their weekly updates. The respective house and senate caucuses have not resumed posting their weekly summaries. Maybe next week.

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