Saturday, February 03, 2007

More Inky Changes

I noticed in last Sunday's Inquirer that two more writers are leaving. Jeff Brown, the personal finance columnist, is going freelance. John Grogan, the suburban columnist, will focus on other writing projects. I always enjoyed reading both columns and will miss them. Former globe trotter Andrew Maykuth, who has reported from Africa, Afghanistan and who knows where else, has been writing about city matters with a Philly byline lately. None of this bodes well.


  1. Perhaps they're getting Maykuth up to speed in preparation for Tom Ferrick's departure at year's end, at the latest:

    (h/t Philadelphia Will Do)

  2. Grogan made a lot of money from his book, Marley and Me, so he probably's pretty well off now. IIRC, he said on a PCN Books interview he's working on another book.

  3. Grogan did say in his farewell column that one factor was his interest in writing more books, but he also mentioned changes in the paper as a reason for leaving.

    Sorry to hear that Ferrick is leaving. Larry Eichel figures into the local political reporting equation somewhere. I don't know if Maykuth's stateside return is voluntary or a sign that the paper will do significantly less international reporting.

  4. Eichel's good and has been very underutilized in the past few years.
    IIRC, Tierney said the Inky was going to emphasize local/area coverage and reporting, which is the right decision, IMHO.

    I think Phila Weekly reported that about 30 or so veterns were willing to take the buyout if, and only if, it allowed younger colleagues who would have otherwise been laid off to retain their jobs. That could explain Ferrick's retirement
