Tuesday, January 30, 2007

September House Journals

NOTE: This post is in error. The House met for three days. An amended posting is being published on Jan. 31 to correct this one.

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives was in full session for two days in September. As I promised I would do at the start of the fall session I am reporting mentions of legislative leaves and leaves of absence.

In reviewing the house journals I look in particular for discussion of issues. My apologies for any errors or misrepresentations. Page numbers refer to the page of the pdf files available on the state house’s website.

Sept. 25th (22 p.), leave of absence for Rep. Steil, Cruz, Tangretti Rieger and Belardi. Legislative leave for Argall, Armstrong, Grucela and Stetler

Sept. 26th (13 p.) leave of absence for Reps. Hennessey (returns), Maitland (returns), Nichol, Taylor, and Rieger. Leaves of absence for Lagrotta, Armstrong, Rooney. Legislative leave for Pallone
On pages. 9-10 there is discussion on the FAA sending more traffic for the Philadelphia Airport over Delaware County.

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