Tuesday, January 30, 2007

October Senate Journals

The Pennsylvania State Senate met in full session for five days in October. Journals are available for Oct 3 (18 p.), Oct 4 (12 p.), Oct 16 (30 p.), Oct 17 (18 p.), and Oct. 18 (21 p.). The Journal for the 18th indicated that the senate would return on Oct. 23rd but no journal has been released for that day, although the journal for Jan. 2, 2007 has been released so either they are going out of order or the senate did not meet again between Oct 18th and Jan 2nd. If other Oct issues are released I will write an addendum.

In reviewing the senate journals I look in particular for discussion of issues and also note senators who are away on legislative leave or have been granted a leave of absence. My apologies for any errors or misrepresentations. Page numbers refer to the page of the pdf files available on the state senate’s website.

Oct 3, legislative leave for Sen. Armstrong (returns later) and Sen. Conti
Part of the journal is devoted to memorials to the late Mayor O’Connor of Pittsburgh. Later Sen. Fumo gives a statement on Iraq. Sen. Hughes, perhaps inspired by Sen. Fumo, presents a brief life history of a young man murdered in Philadelphia.

Oct 4, legislative leave for Sen. Fumo, a leave of absence for Sen. Conti. The leaves for Sens. Armstrong and Conti are canceled. Try as I might I could not find a leave granted to Sen. Armstrong
Sen. Hughes presents a brief life history of another young man murdered.

Oct. 16, leave of absence for Sen. Rhoads. Legislative leave for Sens. Punt, Washington, Wozniak (returns), O’Pake and Musto.
Sen. Hughes again presents a brief life history a young woman murdered

Oct. 17 Legislative leave for Sens. Rhoades (returns), Hughes, Washington and Tartaglione
Sen. Fumo gives another speech on Iraq

Oct. 18 Legislative leaves for Sen. Madigan (returns), Washingon, D. White, Tomlinson, Lemmond, and Punt
On pages 14 and 15 there is a discussion on a bill that calls for charging a booking fee for someone convicted of a crime, as a way of financing centralized booking systems.

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