I do have some debate notes but won't have them ready to post until tomorrow if then. In the meantime, here are a few links for your perusal.
The AFL-CIO has a political portal with a lot of good data, and there is a state page for PA, also with a lot of good data.
One of these interesting data bits is a poll showing Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy ahead of incumbent Republican Mike Fitzpatrick 44-40 in the 8th congressional district, but the polling firm is tagged as partisan.
If you don't like any of your choices for a particular race on the ballot, NOTA-PA would like to show you how to write in "none of the above" or any other name you'd like to substitute.
The Sunlight Foundation is sponsoring a research project to investigate how many congressional representatives keep their spouses on the campaign payroll.
IssuesPA has some new items up on health care and the candidate's views on the issue.
That's a DCCC poll in the 8th showing Murphy ahead.