Monday, October 16, 2006

Act Blue Page for State Candidates

I've been really bad about plugging the ActBlue page eRobin and I set up for state house and senate candidates. If there is extra change in your pockets consider donating it to the people listed here. (Or if you prefer the national races, this is always this guy.)


  1. Average Jane,
    I want to thank you for this page, it has come up as the first "ActBlue" response when I Googled, that I could use to get onto Actblue. I've used it several times to get to the site and donate, even if i went straight to the "candidates" page and donated to other candidates. You should add about $1000 to funds you have raised, mostly for US senate.
    thank you.

  2. Anon., thanks! I'm glad to know the link has been helpful to you. I would consider it a big favor if, next time you popped through, you could drop a few dollars on one or more of the candidates listed there. ;)
