Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Chris Carney Round Up

A few items relating to the PA-10 race. Chris Carney is the Democrat challenging incumbent Republican Don Sherwood (who has had some personal and legal issues that could affect voter attitudes towards him, details here from " Group: Disclose details," by Boryn Krawczeniuk in the Scranton Times-Tribune 11/15/05) .

Carney has been endorsed by 26 labor unions. (press release on politicspa)

He has also been endorsed by Vote Against Violence (press release on politicspa), excerpt:
"I am extremely honored to receive the endorsement of Vote Against Violence," said Chris Carney. "As an EMT during college, I saw what domestic violence can do to women and to families. We need to make sure that our society understands the seriousness of domestic and sexual violence, and one way to do that is to make sure prosecutions move forward to make sure people who abuse are judged by a jury of their peers and, if found guilty, punished."

The campaign has released it's first television ads (link imbedded in press release)

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