Thursday, August 17, 2006

2 More Online Ballot / Polls

Two more opportunities to get your name on a mailing list!! This is the price you pay to put another chicken scratch next to your favorite candidate's name in a national fundraising popularity contest.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee wants to reward three of the "hardest-working, most progressive campaigns who have shown they can win". No specifics are given so we don't know what they win. Four Pennsylvania candidates are listed among the 35 names on the ballot. By odd coincidence they are the same four that show up in the National Journal's House Hotline list of top 30 races. You can choose Chris Carney (PA-10), Lois Murphy (PA-06), Patrick Murphy (PA-08), or Joe Sestak (PA-07).

At the same time Russ Feingold and the Progressive Patriots Fund is offering a $5,000 donation to the one candidate of the 12 listed who gets the most votes. Your PA choices here are Patrick Murphy and Joe Sestak.

Both places close voting on Aug. 23rd.

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