Patrick Murphy and Mike Fitzpatrick have each proposed ways to protect children from online predators. Fitzpatrick's bill was discussed in congressional hearings recently. Here are a few information resources on recent developments:
"Fitzpatrick’s MySpace bill stirs debate," by Brian Scheid from today's Bucks County Courier Times (link)
Murphy campaign's posting on mydd.
Murphy campaign press release on the endorsement of his plan by law enforcement officials and teachers. (press release here, via politicspa)
My own personal viewpoint on this, that parents should not allow young children unrestricted access to home computers (most schools and the children's sections of public libraries are already loaded with blocking software) and not allow susceptible children to have internet access in their rooms, would seem to be hopelessly naive and uninformed.
I was glad to see Murphy gain ground on this issue (as empty as it is) when he released his plan that would at least provide funds for increased law enforcement. Fitzpatrick's plan truly was a do-nothing bill. I hope we can move on now to issues that need the attention, like Medicare Part D and Social Security and what to do about our foreign policy nightmare among many others.