Thursday, July 13, 2006

Joining "Blogs on Demand"

I've added a new piece of "blogger bling" to the template. If you scroll down, you will see a blue box just above the Patrick Murphy icon. I've signed up with Newstex ( and Above Average Jane is now part of their Blogs on Demand product. Newstex will add subject headings and the like to blog posts and market them to media outlets, corporate clients and any other interested parties. Their customers seem particularly interested in state and local information, which is where blogs like this one come in. There is a clause for the possibility of payment, but, honestly, I'll be surprised if I see any over the life of the contract (though Mr. Jane is very hopeful). It might increase readership and give broader exposure to the candidate interviews and other meatier posts that show up occasionally, and those are all good things. In any event, I wanted to be up front about this and make a public announcement so no one will feel blindsided or mislead if it comes up later.

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