Tuesday, May 10, 2005

DA Debate / Inquirer Endorsement

Dan over at Young Philly Politics is doing a great job following the Philly DA race. Check out his eyewitness account of the debate. Also note that the Inquirer has endorsed Williams. As a voter I always pay close attention to newspaper endorsements and, if undecided about a particular race, will often vote with the paper's endorsements. Unfortunately, in recent years, the local papers I read have decided not to print endorsements. I can understand it. Local politics can be especially divisive and bitter and, in a time of declining circulation, newspapers can't afford to alienate any percentage of their readership. Nor do endorsements always equal wins, as the most recent Philadelphia mayor's race will show. In that race the Inquirer and Philadelphia Magazine both endorsed Sam Katz and look what that got him. Still, it was a pleasant surprise. I was also pleased to read in Craig Dimtri's article on Philly1.com that the blog campaign had brought Williams 60 new volunteers. That's a pretty good number.

A week until the election. Remember to vote.

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