Tuesday, May 10, 2005


In April I wrote a blog called “Loss.” Those reading it may have thought it referred primarily to the pope. In part it was. However, that same week my cat died. I’m now catless. It has been over 20 years since my home has been without a feline. In fact for all but a few years in high school and college, I’ve had a cat for all of my life. One of the first things Mr. Jane and I did after returning from our honeymoon was to go to the SPCA and pick out a cat. We added a second some years later.

Now, however, we come home to an empty house. I’ve discovered that not all those middle of the night noises that I always assumed were the cat moving around were actually the cat. I now blame them on whatever that wildlife is that gets under the house (raccoons? chipmonks?) or squirrels in the attic.

Years-long habits are hard to break and I still look for the cat bowl in the kitchen or mistake a bunched up jacket on the floor for the cat. It feels strange to see Mr. Jane stretched out of the sofa without the cat, definitely a man’s cat, curled up next to him or nestled in the crook of his arm. I used to wake up at night because the cat was being piggy with the covers but now I sleep less soundly.

It brings to mind a quote attributed to Mark Twain – “A home without a cat--and a well-fed, well-petted and properly revered cat--may be a perfect home, perhaps, but how can it prove title?”

So it was excellent timing when someone at work told me her cat had had kittens and asked if we would want one or more. When they are old enough to leave their mother, two little kittens will join our household and we can again prove our title to a happy home. I look forward to be a catted person once more.


  1. Sorry to hear about your cat...but glad to hear the good news about the kittens.

    I got a cat--my first pet ever (my father was allergic to animal fur as I was growing up)--and she has brought so much happiness to my life...I hope that the kittens help lighten your sorrow.

  2. Matt,

    Thanks for your comment and for visiting the blog. The house just doesn't feel the same without the cats. It just feels empty even when everyone is home. You get used to the little creatures.

    Thanks again for your sympathy. I'll post a note when the kittens arrive. They will be a handful the first few months but that will be fun, too.

  3. Just lost one of our three, the one that was "mine," and it's hard. Not quite ready for kittens, but will be eager for pictures and chat when yours arrive...
