Sunday, August 04, 2024

A Few Notes on Josh Shapiro

 I followed Josh Shapiro's campaigns for a number of years. Here are a few things I learned about him:

He's ambitious. It is pretty much a job requirement in politics. In his case, since he wanted to move up to higher office he kept his nose clean. There is an old saying "if a man thinks he has a chance of becoming head of a company he won't steal as much as a postage stamp." I may have the details wrong, but you get the gist. 

He really does work in a bipartisan fashion. I have seen him compliment and praise Republican office holders at public meetings, and work across the aisle. in a number of ways.

He really does do what he thinks is right. I remember him as AG saying if people didn't think they had a lawyer, he was their lawyer. He meant it.

These are not bad qualities to have.

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