After the election I was looking around for things to lift my spirits.
And I found things -- twitter accounts for UK government cats. That's right, there are moggies at the keyboard in Downing Street and other government buildings. At least four of them.
Larry the Cat lives with the Prime Minister at #10 Downing Street. Larry is considered a civil servant and not a personal pet, so he's there regardless of who is in office. Follow him at
Gladstone counts the mice at the Treasury and tweets at:
Palmerston patrols the Foreign Office and officially tweets at:
Evie is the newest mouser on duty, with her son Ossie. She patrols part of Whitehall and tweets at:
Even Julian Assange has a tweeting cat:
What does the US have? Well, John Kerry's dog has a twitter feed:
A few Bo Obama twitter feeds started but none lasted long.
The UK government cats are working cats -- the British press keeps track of their mousing skills (Larry is rumored to be a slacker in this area, but the people and the press like him, so his job is fairly secure for the moment. Fame is fickle, Larry; step up your game.
Mike Pence has two cats. Maybe they will follow the trend. There are surely a few mice around Observatory Circle.
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