Monday, February 01, 2016

Two Endorsement Notes

A few interesting endorsement notes.  Normally I don't pay much attention to endorsements, as so few are anything unusual, but these two caught my eye.

Kathy Boockvar, who was the Democratic candidate for congress in the 8th district (Bucks Count) in 2012 has endorsed Steven Santarsiero, one of two Democrats running in 2016.  The other is Shaughnessy Naughton; she ran in the 2014 primary as well, but was defeated by Kevin Strouse, who then lost to incumbent Republican Mike Fitzpatrick.

State Rep. Margo Davidson (D-164, parts of Delaware Co) faced primary challenges in 2014 but this year she has lost the endorsement of the Delaware County Democratic Committee.  The committee instead endorsed Upper Darby Councilwoman Dr. Sekela Coles
The Delaware County Democrats deciding against making an endorsement in the 164th state house district. The incumbent, Margo Davidson, was not endorsed, nor was primary challenger Dr. Sekela Coles. My apologies for an incorrect posting yesterday; I misread a press release.


  1. Jane,

    You are below average today, there was no endorsement in the 164th. Check with the Delco Dem party to confirm:

  2. You are correct. I misread a press release. The post has been corrected. My apologies.
