Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Josh Shapiro on "Inside Story"

Josh Shapiro, a Democratic candidate for Attorney General, and his candidacy were discussed on ABC’s  (WPVI) "Inside Story" on January 17th.  The host / moderator was Tamala Edwards, panelists were Aajay Raju, Dom Giordano, Larry Platt, and Renee Amoore

Shapiro's team has made the video available.  I watched and took rough notes.  This is not intended to be a formal transcript.  I apologize in advance for any errors or misconceptions.

TE: Let’s talk about Josh Shapiro jumping into race for Pennsylvania Attorney General.  Four other people are running for the Democrats, including Kathleen Kane.  Biggest challenge would be Stephen Zappala Jr, from West.  He’s the District Attorney for Allegheny County.  Shapiro has released polls that look good for him, Zappala has released ads that look good for him.  East vs West.  Shapiro would do well in Southeastern PA, the rest of state is a toss up.

AR:  Both Congressman [there was a glitch in the sounds but I think it is Brady] and Johnny Doc may endorse Zappala not our favorite elected rep Josh Shapiro.  We have an early endorsement from Darrell Clarke and it was curious as he usually doesn’t endorse so early.  JS a star not just locally but statewide.  Makes it a dogfight.

TE:  Statewide race.  Who and what endorsements will sway mid-staters more?

LP:  A question of messaging rather than the insider’s game of endorsing.  Clarke’s endorsement could help JS locally.  The thing that intrigues me in terms of JS’s candidacy in terms of zeitgeist.  JS all about reform and management.  AG’s office in desperate need of reform and management.  The downside of JS candidacy according to conventional wisdom is that he’s never been a prosecutor.  But 21 of the nation’s Attorneys General are not prosecutors.

TE:  JS says he polls well in leadership.  Zappala says look at my records;  you want AG to be top law guy.  Which has greater sway.

DG:  I like JS a lot even though we differ politically.  Depends on who can effectively contrast with Kathleen Kane.  He is clean, efficient.  He served in Harrisburg too.   He can raise a lot of money.  Has a lot of support.

TE:  What does it mean that [Gov] Wolf loves him, will do some things for him statewide.  With his connections he can pull in national people.

RA:  JS people love him.  He knows and understands how to cross the aisle.  I’m deputy chair of the Republican Party and he put me on his transition team.  Popular through community he works with.  He has the answers.  People love him.  He’s been in Harrisburg. 

AR:  He’s a star.

RA:  He’s out in the community 24/7.  He’s earned his accolades.  He’s young and he communicates with people.

TE:  We usually disagree but we all agree here.

LP:  Watch what he did with zero based budgeting in Montco.  He remade local government, turned deficit into surplus.  Someone needs to remake the Attorney General’s office.

DG:  That might be a stronger argument than “I’m a career prosecutor” or “everyone likes me and knows my credibility.”

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