Thursday, December 03, 2015

PA in the WSJ

The papers have stacked up for a few weeks but here are the PA related stories I noted in recent issues of the Wall Street Journal


Miranda Rosenberg, a third year medical student at Penn, is the lead author in a study on the price of prescription drugs for skin conditions.  “Prices of skin drugs climb, study finds,” by Ron Winslow, 11/27

Judge Jan DuBois of Philadelphia is working to reduce the mandatory life sentence of a street-level drug dealer, saying that the average federal sentence for murder was less than that.  Read “Judges rethink sentences,” by Joe Palazzolo 11/24 blogger Amy Wright Glenn is interviewed about meditating with her four year old son in “Families that meditate together de-stress together,” by Sue Shellenbarger 11/18

Dr. John M. Maris, a pediatric oncologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is quoted in an article about genetic predisposition for pediatric cancers.  “New light shed on cancer mystery,” by Ron Winslow 11/19

Robert Thornton wrote a paper on occupational regulations and is quoted in “License law is nixed in D.C.” by Eric Morath 11/14-15

Michael Ramsey is the geologist mentioned in “Between a rock and a renovation:  a Pittsburgh geologist uses his expertise to transform an old office into a modern loft,” by Nancy Keates 11/06

“After an accident, a couple’s path to rebuild together,” by Clare Ansberry tells a sweet story of Philadelphia couple Kirby Smith and Suria Nordin

Carnegie Mellon economist Saurabh Bhargava’s study on how people pick health care plans is mentioned in “Algorithms help workers pick health plans,” by Rachel Emma Silverman 11/11

Penn state accounting prof J. Edward Ketz is quoted in “The new $2 trillion hit:  leases,” by Michael Rapoport 11/11

Unnamed Penn State researchers studied the effects of siblings on social relationships, as discussed in “A sister helps a boy’s confidence in romance,” by Ann Lukits 11/10

Nehal Chopra,  a Wharton alum, is the focus of “A hedge fund prodigy takes $300 million hit,” by Rob Copeland 11/09


Timothy Puko and Ryan Dezember write about the Utica Shale Basin, which includes most of Pennsylvania, in “Gas market hit by gusher of woe,” 11/27

“Urban outfitters’ sales fall short of estimates,” by Maria Armental and Miriam Gottfried mentions the company’s purchase of the Vetri restaurant group (11/17)

Cybergenetics Corp, based in Pittsburgh, is mentioned in “DNA software riles defense,” by Joe Palazzolo 11/19

Valeant is mentioned in “Drug prices draw more scrutiny,” by Peter Loftus 11/07-08, and the US Attorney for the Eastern District of PA is also mentioned

The Smith Island Baking Company was founded by Brian Murphy, Wharton alum, is the focus of  “When trapped on a dessert island, keep on baking,” by Josh Zumbrun 11/07-08

Pittsburgh-based U.S. Steel reports a loss, in “U.S. tariffs target Chinese Steel,” by John W. Miller 11/04


Swarthmore is used as a comparison to Princeton in “Liberal arts yield low pay,” by Andrea Fuller 11/04

The Philadelphia School District is one of the schools mentioned in “Cost woes plague common-core rollout,” by Michael Rothfeld 11/03

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