Two Pittsburgh residents are quoted in “Yes, Mom, there is a
Santa,” by Clare Aksberry (12/23).
Nickie Manning talks about her holiday plans. An unidentified man
discusses Santa.
Three Pennsylvania residents are mentioned in “A secret to
great hair (and sales): stop shampooing,”
by Anna Marie Chaker 12/23. Krista Huxta
Bradley of Philadelphia and Lauren Scheiber of Pittsburgh discuss their
hairstyle routines. Christine Cummings
is president of Turbie Twist of Butler, a company making turbans and shower
Susan McHale, a professor at Penn State is quoted in “Is he
son-in-law material?” by Sue Shellenbarger (12/16)
The Budweiser Clydesdales appeared at a parade in Ambler
earlier this year. Approximately 20,000
people came out the see them. See “You
can lead horse fans to beer, but can you make them drink?” by Tripp Mickle
(12/23). Though she isn’t mentioned in
the article, I feel sure that Mayor Jeanne Sorg was involved or at least there.
“Apartments rising in Philadelphia,” by Matt Hudgins (12/16)
Longwood Gardens and plant designer Jim Sutton gets a
mention in “Spring flowers bloom months early,” by Bart Ziegler (12/26-27)
“RV sales revive, but without frills,” by James R. Hagerty
(12/23) includes information on Cooper’s RV Center, near Pittsburgh, and quotes
general manager Paul Willis.
Adam Fein of Philadelphia/s Pembroke Consulting is quoted on
tracking drug distribution in “Valeant taking title to drugs already on shelves
at Walgreens,” by Jonathan D. Rockoff (12/22)
“Steelworkers face tough talks,” by John W. Miller (12/21)
focuses on union negotiations between Pittsburgh based United Steelworkers and
U.S. Steel Corp, Allegheny Technologies Inc., and Arcelor Mittal.
“Baby, it’s warm outside,” by Jim Carlton (12/17) quotes Mark Daubert of Jack Frost ski resort.
“Impasse on budget continues in Pennsylvania,” by Kris Maher
“Sen. Mitch McConnell, in discussion the 2016 elections,
says ‘What we decide to allocate floor time to in the Senate, to be quite
candid with you, is going to be to some extent … dictated by concerns I have
about places like New Hampshire and Pennsylvania and Ohio and Wisconsin and
Illinois’.” See “Republic leaders set
low bar for 2016,” by Siobhan Hughes (12/21)
Rick Santorum gets a mention in “Long-shots emphasize
security,” by Reid J. Epstein and Rebecca Ballhaus (12/16)