Monday, November 02, 2015

A Quick Look at Sean Kilkenny

SeanP. Kilkenny, Democratic candidate for sheriff in Montgomery County, grew up in New York.  His father served in the Army and in the Suffolk County Police Department. As an undergraduate at Villanova in 1994 he ran for studentoffice and listed, among his campus involvement being a resident assistant, an ROTC commander, volunteering with Catholic Worker Program in the Campus Ministry, and being an athlete escort for the Special Olympics.  For law school he attended Temple, and then earned a master’s degree in public administration from the University of South Carolina.

Kilkenny is or has been the solicitor for several municipalities or townships in Montgomery and Bucks County, including for the Montgomery County Controller’s office.  He has also been a member of the Judge Advocate General Corp.  This has included time in SouthKorea in 2002 where he prosecuted an American serviceman in the death of two teenage Korean girls killed when his vehicle hit them.  He also served in Kosovo and Iraq; the last was part of a yearlong active duty tour.   In his six weeks in Baghdad he successfully  prosecuted a sexual assault case, in the same courtroom in which Saddam Hussein was tried. 

He is the former president of the Jenkintown Borough Council, and is or has been on the boards of the Hiway Theater and the Montgomery County Community College

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