Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Christina M. Hartman in the 16th

part of a message from Christina M. Hartman the inbox:

For far too long, the people in Lancaster, Chester, and Berks counties have not been getting the representation and support they need to be successful.
 I’m running for Congress because the people of Pennsylvania’s 16th District deserve better. It’s time to listen to what the diverse communities in Lancaster, Chester and Berks have to say and support them in pursuing a better life for themselves and their families, through education, training, support to small businesses, and care for our aging population.
Raised in Manheim Township, I took what Lancaster taught me about community and shared those lessons around the world. After graduating from George Washington University (Washington, DC) and Fordham University (New York City), I took on some of the world’s toughest dictatorships, leading numerous high-profile organizations and advocating for freedom and democracy in those countries and in Washington. From South Sudan to Afghanistan, I helped organizations strengthen their countries’ democracies through civic education, elections, and youth leadership development. 
Here at home, I have continued to focus on community development initiatives. I worked with the Joyful Heart Foundation, a national organization pursuing justice for sexual assault and domestic violence survivors. Today, I bring my expertise to organizations in Lancaster such as the Non-Profit Resource Network at Millersville University and the Parish Resource Center, providing leadership in strategic planning, fundraising, and communications to enhance the services that these organizations provide.

Christina M. Hartman's campaign website is www.christinamhartman.com

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I had the good fortune of meeting Christina Hartman at the Lancaster County Corn Roast last Saturday night, while touring with my Candidate, Mary Ellen Balchunis, the 2014 Congressional Candidate for the Pa 7th and the Leading Candidate for that spot in 2016.
    Christina was a very impressive candidate. She has a great story and she tells it well. Like Mary Ellen you are quick to notice her professionalism and experience. When attending a function like that where the speaker are all passionate and range from Local Municipal and county candidates to State Supreme court candidates its a good venue to get a good sence of the Candidates. It was obvious the Christina M Hartman and Mary Ellen Balchunis have earned the spot and the highly Professional table. See also http://balchunis2016.com/
