Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Allyson Schwartz to Head Better Medicare Alliance

Allyson Schwartz, former congressional representative for Pennsylvania's 13th district, has announced her new career shift.  Here is part of the official statement:

Today, I will begin as President and CEO of the Better Medicare Alliance. The Better Medicare Alliance is a non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington that supports and promotes Medicare, in particular Medicare Advantage.

As you know, while I have worked on many issues during my years in Congress and the state Senate, nothing has been more important to me than ensuring quality, affordable, accessible health care to all Americans.

I am proud of my accomplishments, from my role in establishing one of the nation’s first CHIP programs to helping ensure the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Throughout, I advocated public-private partnerships, innovations in the delivery of health care, and financing that rewards quality and value - all with the goal of making health care more affordable, and improving the health of beneficiaries.

Schwartz provides a variety of social media connection points for Better Medicare Alliance, and a video link:

The purpose of the Better Medicare Alliance is to bring together a national coalition of health plans, providers, advocates and beneficiaries to support and strengthen Medicare Advantage.

As President and CEO, I look forward to reaching out to everyone who cares about keeping the promise of Medicare our seniors, to build on the experience of what works, and to share this knowledge to sustain Medicare for all of us.  It is exciting and important work.

I encourage you to learn more about the Better Medicare Alliance and to share your perspective with me through our website, on Facebook or Twitter.

I know from experience that we as a nation have the capacity to meet challenges when we make the commitment. I look forward to this opportunity to work to fulfill the promise of Medicare - health care our seniors and their families count on - and meet one of those great challenges.

With warm regards,


P.S.: To learn more about the Better Medicare Alliance, check out my video at www.bettermedicarealliance.org/videos.

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