Thursday, November 06, 2014

Balchunis Thank You

from the inbox:

I want to thank you for all your support. I could never have anticipated the immense support we received from the good people of the five counties in the 7th district. When the party asked me to run in February, I knew we had several challenges: a strong incumbent, one of the most gerrymandered districts in the nation, an opponent with a huge war chest and an even bigger staff. In the midst of the campaign, my mom became very sick and later died. But, I knew my mom would want me to run to take a stand for all the issues that were so important to her: stopping the gun violence, increasing minimum wage, equal pay for equal work and decreasing student loans.

I called Congressman Meehan to concede the election last night. I want to congratulate him, and I want to pledge my support in the Congressman’s efforts to obtain Universal Background Checks.

When I was in graduate school, we learned that the nickname for the senate was “the millionaires club”.  Now, half of the House of Representatives are also millionaires. Many of them work to make sure that their wealth is protected while the middle class is getting squeezed and the poor are getting poorer. We need a congress that understands the needs of all the people in the 7th district.

Timing is everything in politics. Although this may have not been my time to enter congress, this does not end our fight on all of the issues that we stood for in this campaign. We must take these next two years to unite as a nation, not a party, to work together to make our nation a more equal, more prosperous, and a safer place for our families. As I said last night, persistence is the key to life, and now is the time to persevere. I am so proud of the campaign that my campaign team and I were able to put forward. We couldn't have done it without your help. I can’t thank you enough.
                                                                                    Mary Ellen

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